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Primordial Pool
Sound installation
Paint, water, aluminimum bassin, aluminium pipes, concrete, latex, sound (2017)
projection on landscape of dough and stones, light. (2015)
you can't touch this!

you can't touch this -
00:00 / 00:00
Sculpture on tall pedistal, stretoscope light, shadow, looping sound. (2016)

video documentation of installation
Ma(te)r(t)ial Arts

Exhibition of ma(te)r(t)ial art artifacts
mixed materials
made in collaboration with the artist group PNJK.(2015)

The White Room

The White Room -
00:00 / 00:00
Sound, curtains, light bulb, chairs, tiles (2015)
The sound will only be activated when two persons is placed om the two chairs facing one another
When the lights is on the room is occupied, when the light is out the room is free to enter.

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